- British charity Oxfam investigates sexual misconduct claims
- Israeli Court to try Palestinian protest icon Ahed Tamimi for slapping soldiers
- US - Barack and Michelle Obama''s portraits unveiled by Smithsonian Institution
- Ahed Tamimi Court Case: "It''s not just Tamimi''s trial, it''s the trial of the occupation"
- Saudi Arabia: Senior cleric says women should not have to wear abaya robe in public
- "Child can be recruted as spies, for domestic and sexual purposes"
- South Africa: ANC leaders hold press conference on Jacob Zuma''s fate
- France: 29-year old man on trial for sex with 11 year-old girl
- Zuma''s political future - Analysis
- French court case considers age of consent
- Chief foreign editor Robert Parsons discusses Zuma''s choices
- Iraq: How to rebuild minds and infrastructures after the liberation from Islamic state group?
- Chris Moore reports from the ''age of consent'' trial
- Trump unveils plan to rebuild US infrastructure
- Kim Jong Un praises South Korea's 'impressive and sincere' Olympic welcome
- Trial of Palestinian teen in viral slap video begins behind closed doors
- Can an 11-year-old consent to sex? A French court case will address that question
- South Africa’s ruling ANC party orders Zuma to leave office
- Oxfam faces new sex abuse allegations in South Sudan
- French police arrest three in cash heist as suspicions turn to inside job
- French rugby coach excludes players over night of drinking
- Israeli police recommend Netanyahu face charges for bribery, fraud and breach of public trust
- Judge upholds UK arrest warrant for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange
- French court says man who had sex with girl, 11, must face rape charges
- Day zero for Zuma? South Africa's president negotiates departure
- Top ANC officials discuss Jacob Zuma's fate
- Unilever threatens to cut digital advertising from 'divisive platforms'
- $88 billion needed to rebuild Iraq
- Sexual misconduct at Oxfam 'not surprising'
- Israeli PM Netanyahu's mounting legal troubles
- Belle and Sebastian try to 'Solve Our Human Problems' with new music
- Syria's White Helmets: 'We had 400 casualties last week'
- Iraq: Who will pay? High stakes, low pledges in reconstruction drive
- Media banned at Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi's trial